Dual vs. West Potomac @ Hayfield

Coach Hill's thoughts:  We entered the West Potomac match fresh and rejuvenated after a 10 day break between matches.  As a team we wonn 9 of 12 matches.  I was pleased with our conditioning and overall intensity.

Team grade:  B+

Hayfield-44  West Potomac-24

WT Winner Name School Win Type Loser Name School Score
103 John WPTMC FRFT forfeit HYFLD
112 Martinez HYFLD PIN Kamara, Mbimba WPTMC 1:10
119 Sanchez HYFLD DECN Cronin WPTMC 8-3
125 Poliquin HYFLD FRFT forfeit WPTMC
130 Rogers HYFLD PIN John WPTMC 3:54
135 Kamara, Abdul HYFLD WBMD Meno WPTMC 11-2
140 Croisetiere WPTMC DECN Rooney, Pat HYFLD 15-11ot
145 Kennedy HYFLD WBMD Pickering WPTMC 17-9
152 Rooney, Peter HYFLD WBMD Autry WPTMC 18-7
160 Schmidle HYFLD PIN Williams WPTMC 3:54
171 Ovalle HYFLD DECN Burke WPTMC 9-4
189 Mathews HYFLD FRFT forfeit WPTMC
215 Horn WPTMC PIN Stallworth HYFLD :40
275 Wright HYFLD PIN Dennis WPTMC 1:31