Dual vs. Lake Braddock @ LB


Coach Hill's thoughts:  We won 9 of 12 bouts wrestled on the day.  I was happy with our level of conditioning.  For the most part the level of focus and intesity was high.  However, we did not get the big upset win over Braddock's tough trio of Greenberg, Keleher, and Renzi.

Team grade:  B

Hayfield-46  Lake Braddock-26

WT Winner Name School Win Type Loser Name School Score
103 Lamb LKBRD FRFT forfeit HYFLD
112 Martinez HYFLD WBTF Renzi LKBRD 28-11
119 Sanchez HYFLD WBTF McCrory LKBRD 17-2
125 Greenburg LKBRD PIN Poliquin HYFLD Fall
130 Keleher LKBRD WBTF Rogers HYFLD 17-0
135 Meno HYFLD WBMD Malone LKBRD 16-3
140 Pat Rooney HYFLD DECN Wilson LKBRD 8-5
145 Kennedy HYFLD DECN Malone LKBRD 5-1
152 Renzi HYFLD DECN Peter Rooney LKBRD 14-9
160 Schmidle HYFLD PIN Hithings LKBRD
171 Ovalle HYFLD WBMD Sisson LKBRD 16-3
189 forfeit HYFLD DBFF forfeit LKBRD
215 Stallworth HYFLD WBMD Compel LKBRD 10-8
275 Wright HYFLD PIN Dexter LKBRD